Task 1: Create your blog page

You should create a blog page of your own, which we will then link from this page.

The address of your webpage should begin with "10TKAM" (in the same way that this page begins with TKAM), then an individual tag that you select.

Your blog page should also contain the following elements:

An image

At least one link to a page about TKAM

A quotation from the book

If you wish to, you can also enter the first reflections that we completed.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Journal Entry 3

"You never really understand a person until you ... climb into his skin and walk around in it"
(Atticus, p. 33)

Write a response to the advice Atticus gives to Scout. You may write in any style. For example, your response could be a personal reflection, a creative piece, or a discussion of this idea.

Journal Entry 2

"Inside the house lived a malevolent phantom." (page 13)

What are the "malevolent phantoms" of your childhood - the things which made you afraid?

Journal Entry 1

You are a black person living in Maycomb. write a journal entry when you hear that Tom Robinson has been arreested.